Your first traveling alone can be scary, especially as a woman. However, there are women all over the world who are doing it and living their best life! If you’re inspired but unsure where to start, read carefully this guide to first time solo female travel.
My experience in first time solo female travel
Although I had done some study programs and other adventures without knowing anyone, I really count my first time solo traveling when I was 19 and going on my own to Brussels, Belgium. I was about to undergo a study abroad semester in Paris (also knowing no one) and had arrived in London with some friends. Their classes started a week before mine, so I decided to take the Eurostar and stop in Brussels for a few days before settling into Paris.
Honestly, the first night of my first solo trip was a bit of a disaster. My phone service wasn’t working. I couldn’t find the hostel and accidentally took a tram going the wrong direction. I tried to call a taxi but my service only worked for 5 minutes– plus I didn’t speak French or Flemish. It was a very scary experience and I just kept thinking, “What on earth have I done??”
I finally made it to my hostel and decided to take a walking tour the next day. I met two girls there, both solo and both around the same age as me. One was from Austria and one was from Israel, and after the tour we decided to get lunch together and then do a beer tasting tour that night. We spent all day talking and it was really the first time I had met people from a different culture.
The rest is history. If I was traveling in a group, I NEVER would have offered to have lunch with two random girls and never would have had this amazing experience.
I’m now a huge advocate for solo travel. At this point, I think I’ve traveled to over 50 countries on my own. In some cases, I even prefer it, as I have the flexibility to do what I want, when I want, and I’m constantly meeting and creating memories with people from all over the world.
Although it can be scary, solo travel is amazing! If you’ve been thinking about traveling alone, I hope this guide will help you feel more confident, as I give the best tips and tricks that I’ve learned about female solo travel on the way.
Where to stay when traveling alone
I’m a huge advocate for hostels honestly. If it’s your first time, the thought might scare you! However, I have never had a particularly bad experience in hostels, and it’s a great way to meet people when you’re traveling alone.
I always use Hostelworld to book my accommodation. Check the most recent reviews and look for places that are clean, and are highly rated for atmosphere. Sometimes you’ll find hostels that are basically these amazing budget hotels, but if there isn’t any atmosphere it can be exceedingly difficult to make friends. I also look for ones that have a bar (another way to meet people), activities by days of the week, and a curtain around the bed (a huge plus when it comes to privacy!) If you’re not used to hostels, stay in an all female dorm so that you feel more comfortable! To get you started, here are some of my picks for best hostels for solo travelers in Europe.
You can stay of course in Airbnbs or in hotels, and other solo travelers definitely do that! When I’m alone I definitely prefer hostels, but it’s just a personal preference!
How to meet people if you aren’t staying in a hostel
Ah yes, the BIG question! The joy of traveling alone is that you can choose if you want to do your own thing without the obligation of others. If you want to make friends though, it is still possible! I have still met plenty of people outside of hostels of course, even if it means you have to put yourself out there.

Some ideas for meeting people:
- Join a walking tour! These cheap tours normally have other people tagging along for the ride who you can start a conversation with.
- Take a class. Join a cooking class or dancing class while you travel! It’s a super fun way to explore a destination and meet others!
- Chat people up in coffee shops and bars. Since I’m always eating alone, I try to find a restaurant with a bar, so at least I don’t feel awkward sitting at a table by myself, plus I can usually start a conversation with the bartender!
- Message people in Facebook groups or in apps. There are TONS of Facebook groups and solo female travel apps that people constantly post in to look for travel partners or a local to act as a guide. Anticipate your trip and reach out to a few people before you arrive!
First Time Solo Female Travel Destinations
Safest places to travel alone as a woman
I have traveled all over the world, and usually alone! I’ve had a variety of different experiences, and my experiences may be different than others! Think about what you would like and also what is reasonable. Cheaper destinations usually mean more backpackers and solo travelers, but less organization in terms of transportation. Each place has its pros and cons and everyone will have different preferences! My opinions come from my personal experience, whereas someone else may have a completely different perspective!
3 Top Destination Choices for Traveling Alone as a Woman
- Thailand – Tons of backpackers and other female solo travelers. I have never had a bad time in Thailand and find it to be super easy to make friends!
- Mexico – Great destinations, nice people, and lots of backpackers. Solo travel in Mexico is freaking great!
- Spain – A very culturally open European country filled with other tourists constantly. Plus, very easy to get around!
For more great options, check out these top solo travel destinations
Where to NOT go when traveling alone as a woman
As a rule of thumb, we as women need to be careful where we go and avoid countries that make us feel unsafe. There are some destinations that I haven’t been to, simply because I know that I wouldn’t be safe or even comfortable when traveling alone there. Try to use common sense when planning your trip. If you’re a more experience solo traveler, you may decide to go anyway. For your first-time though, I recommend to stay in places that you would feel the most comfortable.
For example, I listed Mexico as one of the countries that I think is best for first time solo female travel. However, there were some other Latin American countries that I didn’t feel as comfortable due to cultural reasons, so wouldn’t really recommend to other women. Do your research, use your discretion, and always stay on the safe side.
Besides safety, think also of countries where you can easily meet people due to a big backpacker culture. Countries that don’t have as big of a backpacker culture may be more difficult to make friends, as many people are traveling in groups or with families. Usually countries that are a bit more expensive are like this, such as Scandinavian countries, USA, and even parts of UK and Ireland. You can still go of course, but keep in mind that you may need to break out of your shell a bit more if you want to meet people.
8 of my Safety tips for Solo Female Travel

The biggest issue for women traveling alone is safety. There are things you may need to worry more about since you’re alone as opposed to being in as group, but I don’t think that should stop you from going! After my experience traveling alone, these are my top tips for staying safe:
1. Keep money hidden in various places
Disperse your money so that if you’re ever robbed, someone steals from you in a hostel, etc. you always have a bit of cash in another place. One advice that I received when I first started traveling alone was to always keep a hundred dollar bill hidden inside your bra in case of emergencies.
While I don’t normally go to this much of an extreme, it is a great concept to keep in mind. As girls, we may not always have pockets or don’t want to carry a purse around. I use these amazing zip scrunchies to hide a little bit of cash inside, without having to carry it out in the open.
Be sure and also always have a copy of your documents hidden somewhere in your backpack. You can never be too careful!
2. Never go out alone at night

It may seem obvious, but never go out alone at night. If you would like to explore some of the nightlife, see if you can find a pub crawl in the city, whether with a third party company or (even better!) in conjunction with your hostel. This way you can meet people without being completely alone. However, just because you aren’t alone doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful! Try to limit alcohol intake so you aren’t depending on strangers to take you home.
3. Have a burner phone
My friends joke about how many times I’ve had my phone stolen 😅 In some countries, stealing is much more common than others, and you never want to be stuck without a phone when traveling solo. I’ve made that mistake one too many times, so now I carry a burner phone with me.
It’s an old phone that I have, where I use Maps.me and Google Maps to download every map I would need from my destination. If I think I’ll need service, I also switch my SIM card to the burner phone so I can always get home. This way, if my phone is stolen, it won’t be as much as a loss.

4. Never tell anyone that you’re alone
Some girls are very adamant about this. I’ll let you use this to your discretion. In a hostel environment? Sure, maybe. With the creepy Uber driver who knows exactly where you’re staying? Proooobably not.
I usually say that my boyfriend is waiting for me, or joining the next day, or even that I’m with a group of friends. You just never know so it’s better to be safe than sorry!
5. Use Uber over taxi and Private transfer over Uber

The safest option when getting around will always be a private transfer provided by your hotel/hostel to get to your destination. If this isn’t an option though, apps like Uber and Cabify are always better because you can directly see your route.
6. Try to arrive during the day
Places are just always a bit more sketch at night! If you can, try to arrive in your destination during the day, ESPECIALLY if you’re planning on taking public transportation to arrive at your hotel.
7. Tell someone where you are
Even if my parents may be a bit lost as to where in the world I am, my cousin always knows where I am at any given time. Have a designated person to know your whereabouts just in case of emergencies.
8. Keep a power bank with you in case of emergencies
Phones die at really the most inconvenient times and you really do not want to be stranded without a phone! Having a spare power bank on hand has saved my life (and my boredom) numerous times, so now I never travel with one!
Solo travel is one of the best things I’ve ever done, and I’m sure you’ll love it just as much as I do! Leave a comment for any other safety tips that you always follow and other advice for first time solo female travel!

The Comments
Great tips for safety. I always try to use some of these even in everyday life (like letting someone know where I’m going). So important especially when traveling!
I’m taking first solo trip soon and these are such great tips! Never thought about the keeping a burner phone
SanikaI had to buy one at a pawn shop after I had mine stolen. Now I bring it on ever trip just in case!
Using common sense is such a big one and learning to trust your intuition. “If it doesn’t feel right then leave.”
Some great tips here for first time solo travellers! Thanks for sharing.