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Great! You got the visa and you’ve arrived in Spain! Now what?
*Important disclosure: I’m not a lawyer, so please understand that the information shared in this blog post is from my personal experience and isn’t a substitute for legal advice. If you have concerns about your unique situation, consult with a lawyer or the embassy about it.
Basically, it’s a way of registering where you live, kind of like a census! Whenever you move to a different town, you’re supposed to register yourself at the city hall/OAC (oficina atención ciudadanía) . This is required if you are staying in Spain for 6 months or longer.
There are different websites for making an appointment and they all use different keywords. You’re looking for a dropdown menu that mentions ‘atención a la ciudadania‘ and then ‘padrón‘.
Here are the links for Madrid and Barcelona
You will need:
The clerk will hand you the empadronamiento document and you’ll be on your way! That wasn’t so bad was it? Now, you can open a bank account, get married, and you have one of the documents that you will need for your NIE