13 Things I miss about Texas when I’m abroad
Although I love living abroad, Texas will always be home, and besides missing my friends and family, there are certain aspects to the Texas lifestyle I miss when I’m gone (most of which are food).
1. Southern hospitality

In the South, we’re known for our friendliness. You can start a conversation with anyone, and soon you know each other’s life stories. People are always willing to lend a helping hand, whereas the locals in many other states and countries tend to keep to themselves.
2. Tex-Mex food

There is Mexican food, and then there is Tex-Mex. Although both are good, nobody does Tex-Mex like Texas.
Margaritas are also not really a thing in other countries. If they are, they’re only ‘on-the-rocks’ and taste terrible.
3. Whataburger

I miss grabbing a Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit at 3 in the morning with my friends. Whataburger is and always will be an official symbol of Texas.
4. Drive-thrus

Everyone in Texas has a car, so it’s a bit unfair, but I sorely miss drive-thrus. If I’m on the way to work I don’t want to have to stop, order, then sit and eat. Let me just grab it and eat in the car!
I also just miss driving in general. There’s nothing like singing along to the radio on a long trip and it’s nice not having to walk on days of extreme temperatures.
5. Clothes dryers

Not saying that other countries don’t have clothes dryers, but they’re much more rare. I think they may be more expensive and most people hang their clothes up on racks too dry. When I come to Texas, I’m always amazed at the fact that I can wash and have my clothes dried all in the same day.
6. Convenience

It’s so much easier to buy things! One time in Madrid, I wanted to buy a full length mirror. In the US, I could go to Target or Walmart, buy a mirror plus groceries, furniture, a bicycle, clothes, and a new hairdryer. If I order on Amazon, I have 1000 options to choose from and it could probably arrive the very next day.
In Madrid I had to go into 5 different stores until I finally found a full length mirror. At least in Spain, there’s Corte Ingles (sort of like a Target + Macy’s mix?), but they were out of what I wanted and a bit more pricey. Stores tend to be more specialized, and sometimes I just want to go in one place and out.
7. Dr. Pepper

You can find Dr. Pepper in Europe sure, but it’s a knockoff made by some Polish brand. I always have to check the can and make sure it was made in Plano, Texas. The only sodas in Europe are Coke, Sprite, and Fanta, which gets old pretty quickly. I’ve begged many a flight attendant on my way to the US to please scour the plane for the last Dr. Pepper. Shoutout to American Airlines for being Texas-made and always having an ample supply.
8. Football

Texas wouldn’t be Texas without our football. I miss tailgating all day and screaming in the stadium, or having everyone gathered around the tv after Thanksgiving dinner. I like soccer but, to me, it will never be the true American football.
9. Buc-ee’s

Buc-ee’s is not just a gas station. You won’t understand the obsession with Buc-ee’s until you experience it firsthand. Buc-ee’s has everything you could ever desire and no other state or country has anything like it.
Know someone moving overseas? Help them prepare for their trip with this gift guide for a friend going abroad.
10. Portion sizes

Portion sizes are HUGE. Go big or go home you know? A large soda overseas would be a medium sized one in the US. As we all know, everything is bigger in Texas.
11. Free use of bathrooms

Seriously, what is up with having to pay to use the restroom?! I understand if you walk into someone’s establishment, but most people will still let you for free here if you ask nicely.
Supposedly, you’re paying a small fee to help with the upkeep of the restroom, but most places you go will be missing toilet paper and just a mess, even when you pay. At this point, you’re just throwing money down the toilet (heh, get it?)
12. BBQ
We wouldn’t be Texas without our barbecue! When I go to Texas themed restaurants overseas (yes I know, they exist), it’s always a weird kind of steakhouse with maybe some pulled pork or nachos on the menu.
13. Texas pride

This speaks for itself. Does any other state has their own special waffles?? I don’t THINK so.
If you’ve never been, I encourage you to visit this great state and check out The Best Things to Do in Texas while you’re at it!

The Comments
Melissa Jones
I just miss living in Texas! We used to live outside of Houston, but I moved for a better job opportunity. I absolutely loved the area and everything it had to offer!
Melissa JonesTexas is unlike anywhere else! Y’all come back now ya hear??
Hey fellow expat! I know what you mean – even if you love living abroad, there are some things that you’ll always miss about home. And that’s why home is so special 🙂 Great post!
margueriteThank you! I completely agree! I recently left Texas again and was feeling very nostalgic 🙂
The Blogging Zoomer
I love the Texas shaped waffle, that’s so cool! I definitely have to make a trip out there at some point. Thanks for sharing this,
-The Blogging Zoomer
The Blogging ZoomerIt’s actually really common here! Be sure to visit!
I didn’t know Dr Pepper was different over here! Learn a new thing every day 🙂
RachelUgh yes I’m sorry but it’s TERRIBLE. You’ll have to come to Texas so we can show you the real deal 😉
I love and miss Texas! The proportion sizes are out of this world! haha